How can I update my subscription and payment information through the customer portal?

The recent update added a customer portal to our system. This portal is connected with our partner Stripe. In this article we will explain how you can change or cancel your subscription or update payment details through our customer portal.

Part 1: Find the customer portal

1. Click on _menu_

FAQ customer portal

2. Click on _settings_

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3. Click on _Subscriptions_

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4.  Click on _Open Customer Portal_

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5. Click on _Ok_ to be redirected to the customer portal

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Part 2: Changing subscription plan

1. Click on _Update plan_

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  1. Click on _ Yearly_ or click on _Monthly_

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Part 3: Adding a payment method

1. Follow the steps from part 1
2. Click on _Add payment method_

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3. Fill in your card information
4. Click on _Add_

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Part 4: Cancel subscription

1. Follow the steps from part 1
2. Click on _Cancel plan_

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