How do I add a new pro or agenda to my academy?

In this article, we will show you how to add a new pro to your academy account.

1. Log in to your academy account
2. Click on _settings_

3. Click on _Agendas_

This page shows an overview of all your current agendas in your academy

4. Click on _+ Add new_

5. Enter the first name of the pro/agenda

6. Enter the last name
7. Enter an e-maladdress
8. Enter a phone number

9. Select the academy agenda in which this pro needs to be placed

11. Click on _Add_

12. Do not forget to click _save changes_ when you are done!

You can make multiple changes at once. You can add more agendas or edit, remove and archive existing ones.

When clicking save changes, the system will calculate your new subscription and will charge your payment method if additional payment is needed