August 31, 2021
System Update V21.06

Hi All,
A small system update. Like every month, we keep on improving and developing. Keep an eye out for future developments to stay informed on new features! This month there are no major developments. Just some improvements to make the system even better.
System Improvements
- No major new features released
Minor improvements
- Academy | Resource agendas can now be set in a specific order
- Academy | Improved availability in week view of resource agenda
- Academy | improved performance of appointment type loading
- Academy | Book multiple resources with other appointment types
- Pro/academy | system now filters only available appointment types and packages when making restrictions in the settings
- Pro | pros can now adjust the start and end time of their agenda visibility outside of their booking availability
Fixes - Academy | Fixed styling of buttons in the recurring booking popup
- Academy | Fixed issue with multi-day appointments in the logbook
- Academy | Fixed issue where resource bookings disappear when the name of resource was changed
- Pro | Fixed issue with the incorrect total price for group appointments
- Client | Fixed incorrect no resource notification when academy has no resources
- Client | Fixed issue where the default country code for a phone number was incorrect

Jordy Hagedooren
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