November 11, 2021
System update V21.08

Hi All,
We are back, and in this update, we have some new features that were requested by many of you. The automated refund function. This should make life for most of you much easier. Check the release notes below for the other updates.
System Improvements
- (Automated) refunds
- When canceling an appointment, the academy or pro can now issue a refund when the appointment was paid online. Automated refunds can now also be set so that clients will automatically receive a refund when they cancel their appointment. Visit your settings/online payments page to activate this setting.
- Appointment type and package grouping in the academy
- As an academy owner, it could be hard sometimes to keep track of the appointments and packages when they have the same name but different prices etc. Now it is possible to create folders and add appointment types and packages to them. This way you can clearly see which items you are editing or should edit.
- As an academy owner, it could be hard sometimes to keep track of the appointments and packages when they have the same name but different prices etc. Now it is possible to create folders and add appointment types and packages to them. This way you can clearly see which items you are editing or should edit.
Minor improvements
- Academy | All resources and resource settings can be ordered by a drag-and-drop system
- Academy | The branded mobile app menu is now added to the academy
Fixes - Academy | Branding now also available on resource confirmation emails
- Academy | Added resource booking templates to academy editor
- Academy | Fixed issue where in some cases subscription price were shown wrong

Jordy Groen
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