September 13, 2022
System update V22.07 - Restructured academy page

Hi All,
Another month has gone by, and this means another update! We have developed some major updates regarding the Academy agenda page and the resources, and we would like to tell you all about them. Read all about our newest improvements in this article!
Major improvements
- Restructured academy page
- In the academy, the resources will now show as resource group columns on the initial screen. Originally this was shown as individual resource items.
- Clicking on a resource group column or using the filters will allow navigating to individual resource items and back.
- The solution will massively improve the performance of the academy agenda page.
- Resource order
- The order of resources can now be set by drag and drop and will be kept on all screens where resources are shown or can be selected.
- The order of resources can now be set by drag and drop and will be kept on all screens where resources are shown or can be selected.
Performance improvements
- Loading of available packages at the client side is massively improved, giving the client a faster and more streamlined booking experience.
- Client upcoming appointments in ProAgenda load a lot faster on the client details page.
- Some unnecessary checks have been removed on the ProAgenda agenda page, allowing the appointments to load faster.
- Appointments on an existing client package now show instantly on the ProAgenda client page.
Smaller fixes
- Fixed issues where saving group appointments took a longer time
- Fixed multiple issues in Google/Outlook sync
- Fixed issue where appointment types were no longer filtered based on resource availability.
- The wizard check is removed from the Pro side.
- Fixed issue where the system sometimes gives blanc page on Mac.
Up Next!
- We will continue working on various performance improvements across the platform.
- We will start the implementation of the new servers, improving performance even further.
- Our long-awaited branded app is nearly ready, and we are fixing the final smaller issues before we can do a beta release. Unfortunately, this all has been proven to be more complex than expected, but we thank you for your patience!
Please keep sending us your feedback so we can keep improving our great system together!

Jordy Hagedooren
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