System update V23.06 - New integrations: Inrange & Lightspeed

Hi All,
The first update of the year is a fact! This update contains a couple of new features and some fixes in the tool. Some new amazing partners have been integrated into the ProAgenda system.
New features for the Golf Academy software
We have added appointment price updates to the logbook. This allows for better tracking of price changes made to the appointments. This feature was requested since it makes it much easier to see when and by whom changes were made and how they might impact the academy.
We've also added the much requested 'Today' button to the academy agenda. This makes it easier to get a quick and simple overview of your day ahead without having to check the dates. Leaving even less room for error and simplifying your agenda even more.
Integrations to the Booking software: Inrange
ProAgenda resources bookings are now integrated with Inrange. This is an amazing golf technology where golfers can practice their skills whilst playing fun and challenging games. The ProAgenda now allows Golfers to book an Inrange bay through the ProAgenda online booking software. Customers will receive a pin code for their Inrange bay to activate the Inrange system.
Integrations to the Booking software: Lightspeed
Through a single sign-on, Lightspeed/Chronogolf users can sign into ProAgenda with a singular username and password. This will help simplify the sign-in process drastically. You'll no longer need multiple credentials. If you are using the Lightspeed teesheets and former CHronogolf software, you can now integrate this Single Sign On function into your ProAgenda academy. In the near future, we will expand this integration to the Lightspeed retail Epos system, allowing for ProAgenda payments to be handled by your Lightspeed Epos.
Fixes in the online booking system
Some smaller problems and bugs were fixed in this update. These are listed down below:
- The client invites and imports with capital letters now work correctly
- Resources are now correctly shown in the online payment settings
- Academy clients' search performance is improved
- The academy dashboard loading speed is improved
- Switching between academy sub-accounts issue is fixed
- Improved system performance with Google/Outlook synchronizations
- The academy search bar has been improved
- Fixed issues with adding and removing agendas from the academy agenda
- Fixed the issue where the new package didn't show in the academy selection
- Fixed a date issue when editing other appointments
- Academy package with a 0 balance now shows in the expired package tab
- Fixed an issue where selected group appointments don't show correctly
More information on the integrations?
Do you want more information on the new integrations? Read more on Inrange and Lightspeed/Chronogolf, and learn how these integrations can benefit your golf business.

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